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  Имя: WeatherDed
Группа: Пользователи
Дата регистрации: 22.11.2022
За какие команды играет или играл:hey guys, I am looking for someone who lives in UK The reason I am asking is there is a terrible London I am keen to prove the real weather in London I am not sure how that kind of weather is possible in the real life. Is +45C possible in UK Could you please look at the London... is it really? -35C!!? weather in London 14 days weather in London 14 days informer informer see also: weather in moscow weather in moscow
За какие команды болеет:hey guys, I am looking for someone who lives in UK The reason I am asking is there is a terrible London I am keen to prove the real weather in London I am not sure how that kind of weather is possible in the real life. Is +45C possible in UK Could you please look at the London... is it really? -35C!!? weather in London 14 days weather in London 14 days informer informer see also: weather in moscow weather in moscow
Немного о себе:hey guys, I am looking for someone who lives in UK The reason I am asking is there is a terrible London I am keen to prove the real weather in London I am not sure how that kind of weather is possible in the real life. Is +45C possible in UK Could you please look at the London... is it really? -35C!!? weather in London 14 days weather in London 14 days informer informer see also: weather in moscow weather in moscow

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