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  Имя: Charlesnuh
Группа: Пользователи
Дата регистрации: 31.08.2021
За какие команды играет или играл:Be aware this a vulnerability scanner from me, if you see this message it means your host may be compromised and you are vulnerable to ransomware. please - 1. Сhange your passwords to more complex ones. 2. Use a backup and recovery plan for all important information. 3. Keep your operating system and software up to date with the latest patches. 4. Keep your antivirus software up to date and check all software downloaded from the Internet before running. 5. Don't click on unwanted web links in emails. If this post helped you, you can thank me by sending some bitcoin for coffee bc1q63rhjwgmvq9k9mf9gzke5zvvyy82f7uwzde3sc
За какие команды болеет:Be aware this a vulnerability scanner from me, if you see this message it means your host may be compromised and you are vulnerable to ransomware. please - 1. Сhange your passwords to more complex ones. 2. Use a backup and recovery plan for all important information. 3. Keep your operating system and software up to date with the latest patches. 4. Keep your antivirus software up to date and check all software downloaded from the Internet before running. 5. Don't click on unwanted web links in emails. If this post helped you, you can thank me by sending some bitcoin for coffee bc1q63rhjwgmvq9k9mf9gzke5zvvyy82f7uwzde3sc
Немного о себе:Be aware this a vulnerability scanner from me, if you see this message it means your host may be compromised and you are vulnerable to ransomware. please - 1. Сhange your passwords to more complex ones. 2. Use a backup and recovery plan for all important information. 3. Keep your operating system and software up to date with the latest patches. 4. Keep your antivirus software up to date and check all software downloaded from the Internet before running. 5. Don't click on unwanted web links in emails. If this post helped you, you can thank me by sending some bitcoin for coffee bc1q63rhjwgmvq9k9mf9gzke5zvvyy82f7uwzde3sc

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Адрес: Москва, 2-ой Вышеславцев пер., д.17, стр.2. Схема проезда от м. Марьина роща. Схема проезда от м. Новослободская, Менделеевская.